Noun. Elderly waif man that can't carry an umbrella for fear of being swept away mary poppins style.
Fred Weaver was walking with Dr. Jackson during the nor-easter when that dandelion got picked up by the wind.
by August 13, 2010
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When you go to eat the pussy or the ass and you see little pieces of toilet paper so you just blow them away and make a wish.
"Dude I went to eat her ass and there was some toilet paper stuck on her so I gave her The Dandelion."
When you go to eat the pussy or the ass and you see little pieces of toilet paper so you just blow them away and make a wish.
by RATTLESNAKE JAKE January 26, 2018
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A bastard blossom, a parasitic pansy, an annoying destructive weed which can be fermented into decent wine.
The word "dandelion" is derived from French, and means "lion's tooth" because of the dandelion's toothed leaves.
by nethcev! August 24, 2006
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The act of pinching someone's nostrils to cut off their air supply from their nose. At this point, the person will have to open their mouth to breathe. When this happens, the pincher urinates inside the unwillingly open mouth of the victim.
Yo, Dee gave Hilary a dandelion!
by Big L May 7, 2004
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"Hey do you guys wanna give me a dandelion?"
"Sure, everyone gather around & on the count of three blow at the same time."
by heetee! May 19, 2010
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The act at the end of a blowjob, when the performer blows the semen during the ejaculation in the receivers direction.
Dude she like totally gave me a dandelion after one hell of a blowjob yesterday.
by SS Truppenkommandant Reichen December 2, 2017
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