Yeah, it sure sounds fruity. But it's not something you want coming at you down an ice luge at 0.5 mph.
James: Want some tequila?

John: Nah man, I'm not a pussy. I'll stick to the beer.

James: Oh the irony!
by Rihanyce November 19, 2011
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Alcoholic beverage from the town of Tequila, in the state of Jalisco, Mexico. Tequila is made from the Maguey plant, first the leaves are chopped off, then the bottom round piece is processed and tequila is made. A tequila that has aged for a minimum of two months, but less than a year in oak barrels is called Tequila Reposado. A tequila that has aged a minimum of one year, but less than three years in oak barrels, is called Tequila Añejo.
guy: did you go to tequila this weekend?
girl: yeah, i visited the jose cuervo factory and got to see how they make tequila.
by saritasanchez August 10, 2010
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A word often used by men to describe a female that consists of a very good top to bottom ratio, has a very pretty face, and could be rated within the scale of 8.0 out of 10. The word is often expanded on to provide an option for other situations such as a whisky tequila for an older female. In the event that there are multiple females together that fit the category, the word can be edited at the beginning with 'double', 'triple' etc depending on the number of females.
by ForestRep1 March 29, 2011
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Aka The Good Shit. Usually no higher than 40%, but will kick your ass. Usually tastes like pepper. Avoid drinking Margaritaville, which tastes the worst when drunk straight and get a Sauza, which has the same percentage and tastes like nothing.
Damn that tequila kicked my ass.
by Wasabimoto August 29, 2009
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dun dun dun dun dun dun teqUiLa
by lillydashiba February 21, 2020
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look for "made in mexico" and somethin like 80 proof
one tequila two tequila three tequila floor
four teqla five six more
by shoeless joe July 15, 2003
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