Currently (as of 2010) the most popular song by deadmau5 (and incredibly popular electronic music producer).
I love 'Ghosts N Stuff'!!! WOW what a track!
by Rellik Uzi August 18, 2010
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This word is used in the event that you are happy, hungry and eating toast n stuff.
Boy: What did you do the morning after Halloween?

Girl: Well after we all woke up we had eggs, juice, toasts n stuff.

Boy: Oh nice!
by ashbashhnukka November 2, 2009
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Cum-based tooth paste
Person 1- "Your teeth are looking really bright lately."
Person 2- "Thanks, I've been using Pump n' Stuff."
by ModerateJoker January 9, 2011
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When you fart on a pillow and put it over someone's face so they have to breathe it in.
WTF! Why did you fluff n stuff me? I can't breathe very good now...and I feel light headed.
by Ian C. September 14, 2005
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To smoke while shoving your schlong into any orifice.
" C'mon man...are we leaving?"
"Yeah, i'm just finnishing up on a puff n stuff".
by mavros April 12, 2006
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When a virgin guy is trying to have sex with his girlfriend without very much success. After poking around for quite a while the girl becomes fed up and grabs the man's dick and stuffs it in her vag.
Girl 1: Yeah I had sex with Jason

Girl 2: How'd it go

Girl 1: Not well at first

Girl 2: Why is that

Girl 1: Because he couldn't find the right hole, so I had to snatch n' stuff his dick inside

Girl 2: Ooooohh *snickers*
by DefenderoftheFaith January 7, 2011
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Adorable, somewhat cliche name for a very fluffy Cat / Kitten.
Grayss: "Oh, no! Fluff N Stuff has run out the door, yet again!
Deckstur: "Looooooolllllllllzzzzz."
by PositivelyPisces November 21, 2017
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