An emotion of feeling meaning 'indifferent' or 'uncaring'.
Even though they made fun of me, I felt snowy about the whole matter.
by Ikari.Yume February 19, 2007
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A beautiful white coloured creature which isn’t an albino with big blue eyes. Mostly used for rabbit. She is cute small and floofy
*sees white floofy rabbit* that must be a Snowie
by Anime_otaku June 15, 2019
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A nickname given to a girl who has a great sense or humor, and is compared to a queen. She's often thicc-shamed, but in a good way. Her humor is practically random, but meh, everyone likes her.
"Snowy is a thicc legend."
by 🅱️🏳️‍🌈😩 November 4, 2019
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A racist term for white people to be used during a dance competition.
"Hey snowy, nice dance moves, now watch these dance moves."
by the So Fine December 17, 2009
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A guy whose best achievement is his CHOAD
"That's MR CHOAD to you!"
"Yes, thats right, suck my cheesy choad"
by R March 26, 2004
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A bisexual, bitter Fijian who has decided that being a furry would be a decent fandom to follow, as a failed attempt at creating her own fandom had failed. She spends alot of time within Yiffchat and has dubbed herself the 'resident bitch', recieving several alerts and warnings from different moderators on duty, resulting in smiles and cheers from everyone else.
I mentioned that my new baby kitten had been injured when it fell from a tree - Snowy told me to snap it's neck.
by Slevin October 22, 2006
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