To punch someone really hard
Branching from the hit MTV reality show "Jersey Shore" when one of their stars, Snookie, got knocked in the face by a drunken stranger.
"He's really starting to piss me off, I'm about Snook his ass"

"Dont get in my face or I'll Snook you"
by Morrysn December 31, 2010
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1. n. a fool or jackass. commonly used slang in the UK.
2. v. (to snook) to victimize (UK)
3. v. (to be snooked) to be victimized (UK)
Rodney: so that's the conclusion of my presentation.
Jim: That sucked. you're snooks (1)!
Rodney: it's really funny... when I was learning this material, that's what everyone said too...
Jim: You're a jackass.
Rodney: Thanks for your comments!

Fred: Hey Rodney, how did your presentation go.
Rodney: I got pretty snooked (3) by people the crowd.
Fred: Maybe you should cut off your ponytail. It makes you look like a jackass.
by ^twenty minutes^ June 5, 2005
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something that is very good can be called the snooks
That film is the snooks.

Did you see her legs? They were the snooks.
by Kenny Bania May 25, 2009
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1. n. a jackass or foolish person.
2. v. to snook. to victimize or make a fool of someone.
3. v. to be snooked. to be victimized or made fool of.
Rodney: So that concludes my presentation... any questions?
Jim: That sucked. You're snooks.
Rodney: That's funny that you say that... when I was learning this stuff they said that too.
Jim: You're a jackass.
Rodney: Thanks for your comment!
by R. J. June 4, 2005
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When a man has had enough of a female run'n her mouth then turns around calmly and hits her in the face to put her in her place.

Can also be used in the context of Snookied.

Reference: Jersey Shore episode when Snookie gets laid out.
Woman your going to get Snooked If you don't watch your mouth.

Bitch is gonna get Snookied if she don't watch herself.

I Snookied the hell out of that bitch.
by StraightDumpinonthem101 January 30, 2010
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Well my mate D says it's actually a fish.
That's a Snook. Well caught.
by Mr J-Lo June 3, 2005
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verb. a gesture of defiance, disrespect or derision made by thumbing the nose.

Phrase: "To cock a snook" (to thumb the nose)

The man let the other man know what he thought of him by cocking a snooks.
by B.R.J. May 21, 2006
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