Note left on the table for a waiter or waitress after the bill arrives in hopes to get some action at a later date. It is generally hidden in the bill fold because the writer is usually too cowardly to want to face the server. If the writer has chutzpah, and a chance with the server, they would have confronted them face to face. This does not work if a wedding ring is present on either the server or writer. It consists of a cheesy pick up line, the writer's contact info and usually, but not in all cases, a business card. In many cases the server will know that a booty-scrawl is imminent.

Tzipporah: 'WOW, did JT just leave his number, on the visa slip?!'

Sammi: 'yes, ever since Brit dumped him, he has been leaving booty-scrawls everywhere!'
by shaul605 January 5, 2009
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The writing on bathrooms at seedy bars, dives and venues. Applicable in use concerning bathroom stalls and walls.
"The wall scrawl in the women's bathroom is pretty gross. I can't believe people still go to the restroom in there."
by Flyingheat December 12, 2011
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An adjective used to describe a person's handwriting, but a penmanship (handwriting skills) so horrendously bad that it is even worse than that of, hence the name, a chicken or turkey from the local farm.
a boy brings a hand written essay to his father, for his father to look over and help him correct it. The father looks at it and says:

father: son, i am sorry, I can’t read your bloody (used as an expletive here) handwriting. Who in the world taught you to write in turkey-chicken scrawl anyways?. Please go make sense of your own writing, re-type it for me on a computer, print it and bring it back to me, and then I’ll help you.

Son: okie dokey, no problem.
by Sexydimma January 2, 2012
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Graffiti one writes on bathroom walls after spending too much time on the toilet.
Some of the red smear scrawls in the men's room is quite amusing.
by B Ligerati January 11, 2008
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An adjective used to describe a person's handwriting, but a penmanship (handwriting skills) so horrendously bad that even those of, hence the name, a chicken or turkey from the local farm.
a boy brings a hand written essay to his father, for his father to look over and help him correct it. The father looks at it and says:

father: son, i am sorry, I can’t read your bloody handwriting. Who in the world taught you to write in turkey-chicken scrawl anyways?. Please go make sense of your own writing, re-type it for me on a computer, print it and bring it back to me, and then I’ll help you.

Son: okie dokey, no problem.
by Sexydimma January 2, 2012
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Bad illegible writing - like a doctors prescription.
OMG - I cant read my meth subscription- it’s like chicken scrawl.
by Hardjed September 23, 2020
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