1. Dick Roll is considered an insult to call guys.

2. Dick Roll is an edible dick filled with cream on the inside, and is hard on the outside.
1. Tom is such a Dick Roll!

2. James likes to eat a dick roll during his lunch break.
by east0goes0it April 23, 2009
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When a prick on Runescape floods your public or private chats with dicks.
So man i logged on Runescape and Nick totally gave me like 10 dick rolls. Makes me want to quit this game.
by Magemasta139 August 20, 2009
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When you use your penis like a rolling pin to thin out some doughy material.
Mike just dick rolled that fat girl
by dirty viking March 31, 2011
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A play on Rick Roll, being dick-rolled is when what you think is a link to something you want to see actually directs you to a screen grab of Quinn Allman of The Used's dick.
I can't believe she dick-rolled us ALL!
by dan leslie April 6, 2008
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Wrapping your semi in raw bacon before having sex with a girl and then feeding it to her afterward.
I just gave Sally a dick roll-up.
by thedizzler March 5, 2007
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When one guy sends his friend a link disguised as a funny youtube video, or work document but actually contains gay porn.
Douche: Dude, open this link, its got the HAwttest girls on this site!
Sucker: Oh, ok. *click* AAAH!!MY RETINAS!!!
Douche: Dick Roll`d XD
by King KaRmA April 18, 2009
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After she patted him on the belly, Greg replied "Careful now. That's rolled up dick."

Related: "When I'm fightin' its muscle. When I'm fuckin' its dick." Refers to beer gut.
by Memphis Pigleon August 26, 2009
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