when I'm on the mic

The phrase "when I'm on the mic" builds anticipation. Questions instantly arise. What happens when he actually obtains the mic? What will he do with the mic. Who is Mike?

Latin - 𝑰'𝒎 '𝒊𝒏 𝒄𝒖𝒎 𝒎𝒊𝒄'
@upgradeofficialmusic: "The message I was trying to convey was one of understanding and truth. The fact that some stories don't have endings or beginnings is highlighted in the repetition of it. It is infinite. When I'm on the mic."
by kyrodnb May 4, 2020
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When I'm Sixty-Four

A tune Sir Paul McCartney wrote when he was sixteen, and in which he appeared to see his future with eerie precognition.

In the song, he asks, "Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm sixty-four?" And now that he's sixty-four, we conveniently have our answer - a resounding NO! He and his wife, Heather Mills, are history, fo sho.
I stayed out till quarter of three and she locked the door. I knew that would happen when I wrote "When I'm Sixty-Four." - Sir Paul
by Frank Booth March 17, 2007
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only when I'm pregnant

A male person's definitive "never" response. Puts to rest the relentless drunk friend-of-friend who tries to force you into a flase confession.
Drunk FoF: "Dude, would you ever consider nailing Snooki?"
Dude: "No."
Drunk FoF: "Not even if your were drunk?"
Dude: "Never."
Drunk FoF: "Even if you're drunk, horny, and she's playing with your balls?"
Dude: "Only when I'm pregnant."
by The Evil Steve June 3, 2011
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I'll sleep when I'm dead

Meaning no need for sleep. Having so much to do that sleep can only be accomplished in death.
"Tim, you should get some sleep. "
"Nah, I'll sleep when I'm dead "
by destinynightmare June 3, 2017
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