noun: a puff of air originating from the rectum but released from the vagina, i.e. a fart redirected to the vagina.

verb: to produce or emit a quart.

NOTE: this occurs when a woman has a recto-vaginal fistula, i.e., a small tear in the lining between the rectum and the vaginal canal. Unlike a normal queef, a quart smells like a fart because the air comprising it originated from the digestive system.
Helen held her asscheeks shut tightly, trying not to fart, but because of her fistula, she couldn't help but let a huge quart insted.
by fauxbourdon December 5, 2005
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The amount of sperm you can fit in a women before it flows out.
Verb: To whip out your massive bear cock and slap someone around with it
Person 1: Bitch, you better be willing to 69 me, or I will Quart you
Person 2: (Gets on top of Person 1.)
by LewdiestBear69 October 16, 2018
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When you queef so hard you shart out vaginal fluids.
She quarted all over my face and I threw up all over. Not only that but my face is infected with all different STD's.
by Blackmanjo May 25, 2010
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26 ounce bottle of liquor
"I'm gonna drink a quart tonight!"
by captainsully October 22, 2017
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Noun. To go for a quart in Cork, Ireland means to go to a bar for two pints.
Do you want to go out tonight?

Yes I do but I have work early so I'll just go for a quart.
by KGGS2 August 6, 2011
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The act of sticking ones thumb in the ass of another as they bend over and yelling quart low. Little kids love to do this to parents in stores to embarress them.
Lil Johnny while in Wal-Mart catches his mother bent over and jabs his thumb in her ass yelling quart low as he does.
by spunkie124 April 11, 2009
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A 3.5 gram deal of cannibus.
It is Half of a Quarter of an Ounce.
Also known as an 1/8 Ounce.
Do you sell half-quarts?
by Diego September 29, 2003
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