A woman that is small in weight, height, or shoe size.
My mother is a very petite woman.
That woman is so petite that i couldn't see her and accidentily hit her with my tractor trailer.

My uncle shops in the petite section.
by supercutekid November 20, 2011
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Slang term for a tiny girl, petite girl, with more affection.
by badsanta July 7, 2005
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that is a petite girl i can pick her up easily
by ronnie July 28, 2003
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A list of names gathered in order to force an action to be made based on the demands made by the petition.
Petitions are useless pieces of paper that aren't going to do anything no matter how many names are on them.
by Linktriforce007 July 19, 2009
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See gorgeous, beautiful and stunning

Generally used to describe someone short in stature who has 'ample' assets.

Such as Ally in Preston.
Instead of Ally in Preston is fit, try.. Ally in Preston is petite!!
by kexy January 14, 2005
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Very small breasts. Cup size usually A or B.
Girl: Hey, wanna squeeze me?
Guy: Nice petits, but I think I'll go to Hooters instead.
by Up4Ownage March 1, 2010
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