piss out my ass a bad case of diarrhea when you take a dump and it comes out like piss
i ate some rancid food last night and i could not do anything except piss out my ass all day and night
by littlejimmie March 11, 2019
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What you say when you’re asked to go out to a place with a dress code. One must pull out their rags cause its all they have to wear.
Person 1: Hey, wanna go out tonight?

Person 2: Goddamn, pull out my rags
by Dusty Knuckles May 27, 2020
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a phrase repeated again and again in the popular TV show South Park - where one of the character's tourette's tick is repeatedly screaming variations of "piss out my ass!"

also, when the character is screaming a variation of this phrase, he will turn his head to the side and cover his mouth.
ass...ass!!! piss, the ass!!
ass pissss!! peeiissss!
ass??? piss in the ASS!!!
peeeeiiiiissss coming from my aaeeeeiiiassss!!!!!!
piss....pissss!! piss out my aeeeasss......PISS OUT MY ASS!
by JackBauer133 April 13, 2011
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When a professional (especially a lawyer), rather than looking for a job, just goes and finds clients. This takes guts and a willingness to work constantly for precious little money in exchange for autonomy.
Law student 1: Hey, you made top 10%. I bet you could get that $160,000 opening at Rob, Ewe, and Howe!

Law student 2: Fuck those guys. I don't want to kiss ass for the next 20 years. I'm hanging out my shingle.
by cogitheum@mac.com February 7, 2009
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in one episode of south park, le petit tourette, there is a character that repeats the phrase piss out my ass and piss in the ass. this is followed by numerous recitations of the word piss and ass
piss.....ass....piss out my ass
by zzoldan January 6, 2008
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