The condition or quality of being autonomous; independence.

Self-government or the right of self-government; self-determination.
Self-government with respect to local or internal affairs: granted autonomy to a national minority.
A self-governing state, community, or group.
They give autonomy to their Senior/Project Managers to choose their own subcontractors and suppliers. The managers get to choose!
by iSCORE8250 March 14, 2006
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Self-government; right of a province, state, territory, etc. to be governed with little central government intervention in its affairs.
In a democratic federation of states, such as that in Germany or the United States, states are granted a substantial degree of autonomy in exchange for subservience to the federal government.

Though not necessarily federal as far as its constitution goes, Spain has ceded much autonomy to several regions of the Iberian Peninsula, such as that of Catalonia, Galicia, and Euskadi, due to linguistic and cultural disparities with that of mainstream Castilian culture.
by Bob XXXIX April 18, 2010
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The ability to do and say whatever you want on your birthday.

The right to make people do whatever you want on your birthday, birthday week and/or weekend.
He asked him to shave his beard into a handle bar mustache and when he refused she used the power of birthday autonomy and he had no choice.
by Minkys September 12, 2011
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Yo check dis out, its like trying to have the freedom, and i stress dat dawgs, of being able to control yourself, politically, economically, and da such, something us peeps n jews dunt got in da ghettos
the states when dey say "hellz naw" to da Brit crown, oi oi. but then they didn't allow peoples copy them, like in South America - they being the States
by sordidmaxim October 1, 2003
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Irrevocable freedom and independence; The ability to live one's life as seen fit with as little outside influence as humanly possible; Untouchable; Above the influence
Anarchy is only possible through Formidable Autonomy

My goal in life is Formidable Autonomy
by swaino July 22, 2008
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It’s a mental health awareness term for people who encourage others to recover while also giving them space to choose not to — and offering support through it instead of eradicating their human rights. The focus shifts from isolating, stigmatizing and shaming individuals for their self-destructive behavior to harm reduction through acceptance.

Someone who uses that label instead of the old “pro-recovery” one recognizes all people deserve to recover, while also admitting that forcing them into it could have massive repercussions on their psyche (specially given the state of the current mental healthcare system, as it doesn’t have that many resources and forced recovery on its own is not only traumatic but also moralizes poor mental health as immoral and reinforces systemic ableism).

It’s about allowing people to feel their own feelings without immediately pushing them to do better — because a lot of the times, that’s the best they can do.

Getting better is a choice. Not a requirement.

TL;DR Movement that defends the idea that people deserve human rights despite wanting to recover or not as well as the autonomy to choose between the two.
Marco: Hi Denise! I heard you relapsed… Don’t worry, I don’t blame you for it and i’ll support you through everything.

Denise: Now THAT is a hot pro-autonomy babe!
by sk8thin March 22, 2022
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The practice of rejecting modern social norms for a lifestyle of travel and wanderlust.
"I quit my 9 to 5 to live a life of nomadic autonomy."
by desertrang3r November 25, 2024
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