A good idea repeated forever- on an endless loop - so as not to allow any other idea to intrude upon the intended impact of the original idea.
In front of an open fire at his secluded getaway, after an evening of cocktails and fancy hors d'oeuvres Jorge wanted to seduce Stephanie so he bolstered his ploy by playing their favorite songs on a loop.
by Konga August 21, 2009
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in select company, especially in the circle of the influential and powerful
He was not able to get critical information regarding corporate decisions because he was not in the loop.
by Paul Kusinitz January 24, 2003
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A loop is a female that will do anything you and your friend(s) command her to do.
"Tell that loop hit my pipe, my mans and I need to get moist asap"
by NMB Dictionary August 27, 2017
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When you're doing a wheelie on a bicycle or motorbike and the back wheel slips out from underneath you. Also less commonly known as a loop out
The back brake is the integral part of the long-wheelie, so make sure your brakes are powerful enough to bring you to a skidding stop when used at high speeds. Anything less and you’re liable to “loop it,” which means falling backwards and having the back wheel shoot out then your back slaps onto the pavement or road. While doing the wheelie you should have 1-2 fingers on the brake lever.
by Wgfyb🌊 February 5, 2017
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An audio or video digital sample cut so that it plays continuously without jarring. (Nobody uses analogue tape or film anymore, unless they're into masochism)

Often: "drum loop" ~ a pattern of drum hits which, when combined with a bassline, make a groove. These can be stored as an audio file or MIDI information.
Mate, that loop's fucked up. It needs to be a coupla milliseconds shorter to fit into the groove. Or make the bassline longer to fit it.
by edjog October 16, 2005
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When you know all of the latest news about something
Krystal and Christen keep each other in the loop about their crushes.
by LoopDeLoop23 January 18, 2017
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driving around an area to partake in the smoking of marijuana, drinking alcohol, or just for the hell of it
Hey Johnny, after school you and Jay want to take a loop with me and smoke some blunts?
by wolfeezy February 20, 2008
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