(adj.) a word of exclamation used when describing furniture
Dude, that couch over there is so furnituring comfortable. I could make out on it all day!
by Farts a lot March 20, 2011
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Furnituring is the act of using a person as a piece furniture, typically a footstool, a table or chair. Furnituring is largely an erotic practice associated with power play, although it need not be entirely sexual.
The girl was ready for anything, including furnituring. On Sunday I used her as a footstool while watching football.
by Puppe April 10, 2015
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Office workers that have been there so long, and do so little, that you only notice them when they move or are missing.
Hey where's Fred? It's like somebody took a piece of the furniture !
by The Pirate of Pissants April 7, 2011
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referring to ones teeth
damn dogg did you see that hoe's furniture, it was all messed up!
by mardo August 26, 2005
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Habbo Furniture are mostly known as the currency in Habbohotel, or mostly.- As known we can't use Habbo Credits in Habbo, so mostly people playing Habbo would mostly call Furniture their currency.

"Gemme two furniture and both must be 3 coiners"
by Chronicling February 26, 2006
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Ghostly presence of furniture from the last tenant of the apartment you're renting. It can appear late in the night, especially if you go get a glass of water with the lights turned off. Are usually easy to get rid of with a simple exorcism.
Vilmar: Damn, I just stubbed my toe on some of Joe's phantom furniture.
Torkild: Who's Joe?
Vilmar: He's the guy who rented this apartment before I moved in.
Torkild: Boy, you need to perform an exorcism on this place.
by t-degg March 5, 2015
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