Commonly used to title one without a 'life'. Applies to those who project themselves as intellectuals/sivantes on the internet.
Jkea, you are such a nerb.
by Tom Krusi and Galvin Medrano August 19, 2006
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Nerb, Means a "Noobie/Newbie" Nerd. Someone who is new, but also a nerd. Therefore, a "nerb".
You're Such A Nerb. Gtfo.
by Sharl(JPS) September 2, 2005
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Turning a noun into a verb
Dude I can't believe that you just nerbed google.
by naravatu May 10, 2009
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a noun improperly used as a verb
i will go on google to google the word
calendar that date on the calendar
TiVo that show tomorow with TiVo
Pants his pants down
by Afro Thunder February 28, 2005
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The act of using a noun as a verb.
Father - "Brian, it is way past your curfew, where have you been!"

Son - "Sorry dad, a missle was headed for Grandma's wheelchair and sensing danger i drove accross town to rescue here. So yeah, that is why I'm late."

Father - "I'll Grandma you one...!"

Son - "Dad totally NERB'd Grandma"
by TheBeejer August 11, 2009
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Nerds who want to hide their inner identities, so they reflect the d about the y axis.

Perhaps after Nerd, a character in If I Ran the Zoo, by Theodor Seuss Geisel; then to a typo
Despite the fact that he got rid of his pocket protector, he was still a nerb.
by Robert Sled May 21, 2004
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one who inserts both feet simultaneously into ones anus
by Mike June 7, 2005
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