A hairy vagina, often used to insult somone.
Oh, James, you are such a minge monge. Mainly used byChavs in the UK
by Pseudonymus Wretch March 4, 2014
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Ahh a ming mong. An alternative name for Kate Rooney
Ah look over there, a ming mong trying to run a mile
by Stella atois October 7, 2019
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A person or group of people who have to deal and handle ming mongs' on a daily basis.
IT Dept dealing with ming mong support calls "Ohh shit that Ming Mong Bruce is on the phone again. I bet he rebooted his pc by turning his monitor off and on again" I hate being a Ming Mong Handler.
by Ming Mong Handler December 18, 2007
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An excruciatingly prolongued exchange of not very witty repartee exchanged by the cerebrally challenged masquerading as a debate on internet forums.
"Loud pipes save lives"
"No they don't, daylight riding lights do"
"No they don't, they encourage risk taking"
"I don't take extra risks"
"You don't know how to ride"
"You kiss my ass"
"Don't talk to my mate like that"
Repeat for 26 pages of ming mong ping pong
by TRCTomcat September 4, 2009
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