its math but pronounced by someone who's first language is not english
kid: i hate meth
english teacher: ummmm ok
by eugenia clownlee January 7, 2021
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An abbreviation for methamphetamine, a drug that stimulates the central nervous system by causing it to release more dopamine, a neurotransmitter that gives someone a feeling of satisfaction.
Meth is a dangerous drug and should never be used.
by Young Trubz July 9, 2005
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One of the stupidest things ever, it ruins everything, and is one reason why America is looked upon so bad.
Hey Rick, want to go smoke our meth?

Hold on, i got to go brush my tooth, you got to for that 7 day sleep i just had.
by Btabs1 July 12, 2010
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A terrible drug that ruins lives and only purpose is to be featured in Breaking Bad. Other then that, it contributes nothing.
Guy 1: Hey, man, wanna hear about meth?

Guy 2: Who cares if it isn't made by Walter White?
by CookPu69 February 4, 2014
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-GUY #1 - Im gonna go smoke some tweak!(aka meth)
-GUY #2 - Your gay.
by COOLMOTHAFUCKA June 13, 2007
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A stupid drug made used and made by white trash that's made out of cold medicine and other easily obtained chemicals.
After stealing a bunch of cold medicine from Target, the cops followed him back to his meth lab.
by jingjong February 17, 2005
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