Billy's ex-girlfriend, herself a loaf, married another loaf.
by enzio March 8, 2005
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a lazy person that lies about doing work and wants everyone to think they are the victim.
see Badria Al-jamal & Eeyore. Both are loafs.
by SJH&MC January 8, 2010
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1. A shaped mass of bread, cake, or sugar.

2. To be lazy or idle. To pass the time in a leisurely manner.
1. It is relatively easy to make bread if you have a few hours of your time.

2. During the hot summer days, a lot of folks simply loaf in the shade.
by AYB June 29, 2003
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to push off, stall on something needed to do or someone you want to talk to.
you loafing on that english paper; you loafing on the girl.
by brianna charlton February 27, 2008
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"A Loaf" refers to a whole uncut bread, not a chunk. A loaf is the complete item, as removed from the oven. Bread in it's virgin state. (Western style bread I think, doesn't really work for unleavened breads eg. Pitta, Nan, Chappatti etc.).
Are you going to buy a wholemeal loaf or a granary loaf.
What a ready sliced white loaf? Shame on you!
by Agent Smith May 24, 2003
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A rather large quantity of hair on top of a person's head.
Justins's hairdresser was shocked by his shaggy surfer guy loaf.

I need to get my loaf cut.
by Thundercat_Guy September 14, 2004
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