wen u ask a bitch to give u dome-piece(head)
by lance March 17, 2005
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an incredibly dull person, can also
mean pathetic, loony, out of fashion,
silly, outrageously weird...derives
from the word 'penny loafers' which
are cruddy old people shoes that your
grandparents picked up a pair from the
Goddamn I'm dressed like a complete loaf
by hotdogsforall February 21, 2009
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Feeling a granny up in the middle of the street
you just pulled a loaf! you scumbag!
by Legendface June 28, 2003
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1) A chunk of bread.
2) Cockney Rhyming Slang for head.
3) A linux distro.
1) "Dude, I'm going to the store to buy a loaf, want anything?"
2) "Dude, you've got a big loaf."
3) "Dude, I love L.O.A.F, Linux On A Floppy."
by Soiled Undergarment August 18, 2003
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A square boxlike pair of buttocks found mainly on middle age or elderly males.
My maths teacher wears really big trousers to hide his loaf.
by fashullet April 30, 2005
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to chill. to hang out
1. I was going to study tonight but there are too many distractions, so I decided to loaf.
2. My favorite place to loaf is at the corsa park.
by fujofan September 19, 2010
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