A very characteristic African-American actor best known for his appearances on the Adult Swim show Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job! Usually Liebe Hart is featured as a ventriloquist and well, it's not something one should describe. Liebe Hart comes off a emotionally disturbed or as having some sort of seriously afflicting disorder. Such is the brilliance of that show.
David Liebe Hart just moved me with his song Father and Son.
by Helenkeller5528 July 3, 2010
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German expression that translates to "I love Beer"

It expresses the overwhelming appreciation for the best beverage known to man, a love that surpasses even that one might experience to their family or significant other.

Someone who exclaims "Ich liebe Bier" should always be ready to assist another passionate Beer lover in any way possible, even if they may not feel like it at the time.
"Hey, care to drink a nice cold beer with me?"
"Ich liebe Bier"
by Evohevoo June 11, 2021
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a cheap picture taken in a studio somewhere in the south of france, liebe grube is a mysterious woman that sends post-cards to people claiming to be their "little cousin sarah." once, when liebe grube's photo was scanned into a duel printer-scanner-fax machine, she continued making copies of herself until the machine was unhooked and rebooted.

local myth attributes the curse of liebe grube to the murder of a young girl by her rabies ridden cat named hazel.
susie could not go to sleep because the myth of liebe grube her mommy told her made her worry about wetting the bed.
by witn June 23, 2006
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The Cy Lieb is when a girl shaves a man’s pubic hairs but leaves one singular hair so she can floss her teeth with it after she’s done blowing you.
Damn girl you gotta get that lettuce out of your teeth might as well give me the Cy lieb.
by Ultimate Clappage October 13, 2021
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