a person who is good at many things but has no particular specialty (often with master of none at the end)
My friend was a jack of all trades.
by The Return of Light Joker October 19, 2008
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The ultimate Jackass. Everyone knows at least one of these. Will gladly accept credit for others accomplishments, usually full of themselves for no reason, and tend to have exceptional manipulative skills. Can often be seen reading poetry at Starbucks.
one example of a group of Jack Of All Asses would be the "earth lovers" who attend those 3 day hippie music festivals, and spend the whole time getting high as a form of "protest".
by Jeffey VonDarkeet March 15, 2008
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Him: WTF is up with Jill? One minute she's Marsha Brady, the next she's Brittney Spears.
Her: She's a jack of all traits.
by stuartc1 February 8, 2018
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A person who feels the need to vehemently complain about anything and everything.
I can't hang out with Brian anymore, he's become the jack of all tirades, nothing but negativity, a real bummer.
by Scott Freah September 22, 2006
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A Jack of All Trades is a master at none, but often better than a master of one.
Person 1: You're a very well rounded person.
Person 2: I'm a Jack of All Trades.
by jeffyfromthebloc October 21, 2009
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Someone who is very good at doing a variety of useful things.
Justin and Sean would be the JACKS-OF-ALL-TRADES up in hurr.
by Joshiro007 February 24, 2003
a jack of all trades is a person who is not an expert in any fields, but knows a little about everything.

jack of all trades often lack an university degree, as they didnt specialize in anything, but studied/learned a bit of every subject.
1: omfg john knows freakin everything!
2: nah, hes just a jack of all trades. dont ask him anything deeper tough.
by the.oppenheimer February 15, 2010
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