Derived from the term "Beer Goggles", which is the enhancement of one's visual appearance aided by alcohol, and "oogling", which is checking out a member of the opposite sex.
The term means, that when said individual is intoxicated and is checking out a member of the opposite sex, but isn't sure if this person is actually attractive or if they are just too drunk.
George: What are you doing?
Tim: Checking out the broads
George: Dude! They're so butch! Looks like your goggling again
by FriendlyFriend January 5, 2009
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The art of placing ones scrotum aka (balls,Testicles) onto anothers eyes with just enough pressure so that equal coverage is applied across bridge of the nose simmulating GOGGLES!
Did that girl just have balls on her face? No man she just got Goggled!
by Goggle Doctor February 22, 2010
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This is another funny word for big glasses.
Hey, did you see that comic at the club last night?

Yeah, his GOGGLES were ridiculous haha
by thebigwan March 4, 2015
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Placing your scrotum over an unsuspecting person's eyes, making it seem as if they are wearing goggles.
Angela was passed out drunk last night, so I pulled out my sack and gave her goggles.
by Air MarcGyver August 12, 2003
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In general a pair of D's. Those perfect boobs at the beach or mall. The pair of boobs that your bestfriend's girl has. The ones you really want, the pair a tits that rachel starr has. What every guy dreams of are some nice goggles. (Killington, VT)
Today on oovoo, me and ryan were vcing. I couldnt help it but to stare at her huge goggles.
by Robert Nella February 6, 2011
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a typo of google that is full of viruses and will crash your computer
he typed in goggle as a typo nd he needed a new computer
by mike woodlin February 15, 2009
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To look at a pretty girl, in utter amazement
The people in the car goggled kiwi as they passed by.
by Hardcorehindu February 5, 2008
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