That GBS with Dalton last night made my butt hurt!
by The Judge 94 October 26, 2009
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The subforum of the Something Awful Forums where threads with subjects that aren't related to the themes of the other subforums are posted.
GBS is funny at times, but is mostly habitated by whiny losers that complain about how they were told to "Go back to GBS" in FYAD
by Dr. Yang December 10, 2003
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Taking a Gravity Bong hit or using a Gravity Bong.
"Yo, wanna come over and take some GB's?"

"I took like 1 GB out of that 2 liter and I was baked!"

"Lets go take some GB's"
by Random00 July 13, 2006
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Gigabyte - a computer term for storage which is about 1,000,000,000 bytes or actually 1,073,741,824 bytes.
I have 20 gb left
by <(( ^_^ ))> August 1, 2003
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I think Karl is gay, I heard he had GBS with Jake.
by Bry Man11 May 15, 2009
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