
A small amount of fat that imparts a cute and pleasant quality to the bearer, often a small amount of subcutaneous fat in the abdominal area
I don't like girls with a six pack; a little bit of flub is nice.
by nopain00 March 3, 2005
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To speak a word incorrectly; To speak as if one's lips were rubber
"The Ancient Greeks had their own mytholology - oops, that was a flub"

"Put the Splagghetti in the - well, I flubbed that up"

by Words Wired Weird February 4, 2008
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verb. when fat is protruding out of your clothing in a very grotesque manner.
"I hate it when Anna Nicole's fat flubs out of her t-shirts."
by Laura September 18, 2003
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Jiggly fat that should really be put away. Flubs can be described by any fatty part of the body.
"That guy's been dancing all night with his flubs jiggling. He should put those flubs away, nobody wants his body."
by Caligula Khan April 14, 2014
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the left over fat between the hip and thigh as a result of an overly used or filled uterus.
I've worked out all week but keep getting my flub caught in my zipper.
by Kitty&Red May 10, 2009
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a person who thinks they are "the shit" but really, no body likes them because they suck ass cheeks. A flub, usually lies, puts other people down, and is the biggest two-faced bitch in the world. As well as being a faggot, a flub is a nasty, dirty, slut-bag, who only goes for men older than 30. Along with that, thye have no true friends and pussies out over everything. Kind of like a snake in a way.
by The other faggot ass June 30, 2011
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