Some one who finagles, weasels their way into bed w/ women.
An insulting name.
jason cole is suuch a finagler
by chevyman350454 October 10, 2006
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Obtaining something by manipulation and or deception.
I don't have any more good tires, so I am going to try and finagle some from the mechanic at the bike shop.
by MountainGiraffe June 22, 2010
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Re-adjustment of the testicles
One sec babe, I gotta finagle my dick.

Bro 1: Bro can you do me a solid?
Bro 2: Yeah man what's up?

Bro 1: can you show me how to do that finagleing shit ?
Bro 2: Alright bro (re adgusts testicles) .
Bro 1: Yo, your the man dude.
by Foresum Lion July 6, 2017
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Say fuckin ona lame ass brain...???
“Aye look at this rgt here Issa leopard...”
“What we in career jet”
“What I can’t here u”
Ooooo penis”
“Ooooo PENIS”

by OneNippiKid May 25, 2021
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drunk to the point of incoherence, slurring, stumbling, lack of depth perception, diminished sexual standards, nonexistent inhibitions, and possible acts of regurgitation, blacking out, and making bad decisions.
"Susie was finagled last night!"

"Jerome wasn't just trashed last night, he was finagled!"
"If I wasn't so finagled I wouldn't have fucked that fat chick."
"I'm so finagled im going to go streaking."
by apple_jaxxss December 18, 2009
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1. The act of screwing over/stealing from somebody.
2. A sort of 4 letter word, that is made up of 7...
3. Creating/making something.
1. Dude, I'm going to totally finagle that bike- ride it to Tom's house, and finagle his girlfriend!
3. I'm going to go into the kitchen and finagle me a sandwhich.
by Scott Conry November 13, 2005
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