extra terestrial freak- a name you call someone/your friend when their being so freak-ish its out of this world
girl- today this girl in my 8th period came in and was dancing while wearing a unitard!
other girl- woah what a ETF!!!!!!

girl- my sister took my camera and was taking pictures of fat people at the beach. shes such an ETF
by etfyuuup September 28, 2010
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Estimated Time to Finish
What's your ETF for this task?
by DeDasdasd December 20, 2017
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1: etf, why is there piss & shit & cum in my pants
2: because you pissed & shitted & cummed in your pants
1. oh yeah mb
by the negachin April 17, 2021
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Estimated time of flush

Usually asked when you’re waiting for someone to get off the toilet.
What’s your ETF? I want to get back to this crappy movie.
by akotash January 31, 2021
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can be use for everything

is sounds cute, sexy, funny, stupid, it makes ari do unholy things periodt

Nate: etf etf etf etf etf etf

Ari: wtf wtf wtf wtf wtf

etf etf
by imanotnate October 21, 2019
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Person 1: I have 2 terabytes of child porn on an external hard drive
Person 2: etf
by gela-kela June 24, 2021
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