Davy: Joe called me a little baby

Michael: then commit defenestration and throw that mf out the classroom window

Davy: ok
by BobbyRenzobbi June 8, 2022
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The act of throwing something or someone out of a window.

Comes from the latin word "fenestra" which means window or opening.
Frank: Dude! Where are all my stuff?
Me: I kinda defenestrated them i was feeling like Defenestration.
Frank: Where's my mum?
Me: Uhhmm.....
by Typose April 8, 2011
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The act of throwing somebody out a window

related forms:

To defenestrate- the verb
defenestrated-past tense
defenstrator-noun- one who commits the act of defenestration


The latin DE as in to remove + FENESTRA as in window = to remove from a window (throw out a window)
I would defenestrate my brother, but we live on the 5th floor and he would most likely die.

Defenestration is attempted murder.
by ID Tech Camps August 13, 2009
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Rock stars have tendencies of defenestrating TV-sets.
by Anonymous August 7, 2003
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A word that shouldn’t really exist, like why can’t you just say, I threw it out of the window. It is very simple
Jeremy: I am going to defenestrate the cat
Harrell: Jeremy, I don’t care what you do, just don’t hurt it
Jeremy: I just defenestrated the cat
Jeremy: lol
by I_ate_the_children November 18, 2018
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related to the latin word "fenestrare" (to contain windows), it refers to pushing, shoving, or throwing someone, or something, out a window. It is commonly mistaken for a sexual act because of its popularity on facebook.com's superpoke application.
Paul got so pissed at his computer at work, he defenestrated it, nearly killing the elderly woman in the courtyard.
by Alexis Smith December 7, 2007
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