The art of dropping a poop in public in a swirl fashion. Preferably on a yard or hood of a car.
I'll bet you 5 dollars you wont be dairy queening on the hood of that Lamborghini.
by Squatcobbler69 August 1, 2018
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Mamories, tits, breats, boobs, another way of saying a woman has ginormous fucking tits!!
Jesus man, look at the dairy queens on the whore!! Their fucking ginormous!!
by kilo March 24, 2005
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an annoying new mother that makes major production when she has to go pump her boobs.
May I have your attention? I'm on my way to the ladies room to pump, said the Dairy Queen.
by dairyking March 4, 2008
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a) an ice cream parlor in North America

b) a coolidiculous, non-misogynistic term for a lesbian female
most females who define themselves as a dairy queen in public are probably sarcastic about and are more like bisexual or bi-curious in private.
by Sexydimma October 2, 2014
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(1) code for drama queen in order to confuse an already emotional and agitated being
(2) a wonderous food stand chock full o' dairy products from the magical land of "Cow Udder".
(Eugene is crying because he just broke a nail....)
Preston: Eugene, you know what's a wonderous, cool, dandy, exciting place to grab a hot dog ANNND an ice cream, DAIRY QUEEN!
Eugene: ok thanks bub
Preston: sorry if i confused you so get some medication *walks away*
by bonnet August 24, 2006
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(noun) - A homosexual male who has received a facial (the 'milk' has been painted on his face).

- A gay guy with bukkake all over his face.
"Don't mess around with boqueefa, out of drag he's a total dairy queen. The damned slampig even has a gloryhole in his bedroom."
by shadowkunai September 6, 2011
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