When famous people or companies do or say something horrible and people stop supporting them. Conservatives pretend this is a form of censorship and supression of opposing views. Really it's just our culture deciding how we want to be.
Johnny tweeted some anti-gay shit and got banned. Now he's whining about cancel culture on parlor like a homophobic bigot.
by Gorgias'Musings December 24, 2020
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The group movement of stripping someone of their credibility and/or reputation while publicly humiliating them.
If it wasn't for cancel culture, James Charles would have more subscribers.
by Anonymous7356 July 18, 2020
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Basically the Thought Police, but in real life. In other words, they are bunch of stupid fucking left wing morons on Twitter that will ruin your life and your career just because you don't meet their narratives.
He did nothing wrong, yet he was still victimized by Cancel Culture because didn't like what he said.
by PhoenixGamer34 March 25, 2021
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Modern form of Ostracism.

It is a self destructive culture that sees humans in the worst way possible.

It defines humans not by their best features, but by their worst. Regardless if true or not.

They are not motivated by love, but by pure hate of other humans.
John: I think Claire has really good dance moves dude.
Steven: She lied about being abused for likes, she's scum.

Megan: Did you see how Elon's rockets came from space & landed upright? That's never happened before.
Sally: Idc he's racist.

Sabrina: Matt Damon is a terrific actor.
Connor: He used a homophobic slur at a family dinner, cancel his ass.

Jacob: Cancel Culture seems harmful...
Garry: No Cancel Culture STOPS harm...
by kakapoopooaccount April 28, 2022
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A group of people that are just a bunch of twat waffles who need to grow a pair because they're to sensitive.
Twat waffle #1: "omg. That cartoon hurt my feelings because it was a cartoon."

Twat waffle #2: "omg. We should totally cancel it"

Twat waffle #1: "I feel better now that my kids can grow up being a bunch of sensitive whiny little bitchs. Thanks to cancel culture."
by TheGreatestPersonYoullMeet March 11, 2021
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It's basically this whole Twitter phenomen of people "cancelling" others, specially celebrities. They usually dig onto their pasts until they find something that looks bad with context or without it (usually without it). Some examples are: people bringing that a celeb said the n-word when they were 13 or some dumb joke that used to be aceptable back then, but now is considered offensive, old tweets, clips (usually that have been altered) of them doing or saying something without context. Cancel culture totally ignores the fact that people can learn and grow from their mistakes if wanted.

Some examples of people who have been cancelled on the Internet are; Laura Lee, Manny MUA, Onision, Romeo Lacoste, etc...
+Did you see those Romeo Lacoste texts?
-Yeah dude, how disgusting of him to take advantage of underage girls. He's so cancelled.

Friend 1: (random person) is soo cancelled omg. Did you see what they said back in 2010?
Friend 2: Umm... Literally what? I get what you say, but they act so different now and are ashamed of those jokes. You know people do change right? I swear cancel culture is getting out of hands.
Friend 3: Dumb bitches ruined cancel culture. **Stares into friend 2's eyes intensely** You is dumb bitches.
by Pedroelmono March 20, 2019
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A favorite phrase of Donald Trump, Jr. and Fox News hosts.
Cancel Culture is a phrase frequently used by conservatives when they believe they are unfairly being called out for bad behavior by their accusers. In real-world terminology "cancel culture" is used as an excuse for not wanting to accept accountability.
by TrumpTearsAreBest February 20, 2021
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