to earn own or get a serious amount of money
the deal went well i got bare ass wedge for it
by paul monks February 7, 2008
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When one unveils his ass from the backseat of a car and squeezes it between the passenger and driver's seat and blasts ass on the driver.
"Holy shit, I think you parted my hair with that bare ass fart!"
by daniel December 15, 2004
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The release of anal gas, the culprit having his/her pants (and underwear) far enough down so that the methane gas avoids contact with his/her attire. This method will prevent underwear "stink", and the lack of a barrier between anus and ambience will cause the fragrance to spread quicker and with richer concentration.
Person A: "Did someone shit their pants?"

Person B: (Giddy laughter)

Person A: "What the fuck is that?!"

Person C: "Person B made a bare-ass fart."

Person A: "Damn you, Person B."

Person B: "Hey man, I don't want that shit to bake up in my undies."

Person D: "You disgust me."
by Willowsucks March 21, 2009
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Completely naked without any clothing on. All you can see is your top parts and lower parts and anatomy.
Why dont you put some clothes on instead of being bare ass naked?.
by Cassandra yo fuck girl. November 26, 2015
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A phrase to describe a beautiful looking girl of french origin
by perky87 October 2, 2011
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The parts of your beautiful face that you show to the world when you don't wear a fauci covering properly. Invented by my friend Danny from work.
Why is your bare-ass peach, well, bare? Put your schmutz on properly, now.
by Sexydimma July 2, 2022
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BASF stands for Bare Ass Shrapnel Fart. To do a proper BASF one must drop one's drawers and sit, bare ass, on a hardwood floor and then rip a monster fart. The vibration of the buttcheeks against the hardwood creates a natural reverb chamber/amplifier resulting in a thunderous cacophony akin to a gunning a chainsaw while firing an M-16.
Joe's BASF (Bare Ass Shrapnel Fart) blew a hole through the parquet and now the Celtics have to play home games at Sacred Heart until they fix it.
by DennisFreeman April 1, 2019
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