the varsity college balled up the preschoolers . it was 0-99999
by IloveFacebook123 January 26, 2011
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To play a pick up game (football, basketball, etc) at a high level.
My boy Matt went to go ball up in the gym today. Nobody could stop him because he was on Xgames mode.
by Jiggeroll May 22, 2022
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When you embarass, defeat, and/or humiliate your opponent in a game of Basketball.

(Used often in slang terminology on basketball courts)
::John and Phillip play a game of basketball and John wins 15 to 2::

John:Damn, you just got balled you up.
by DJV July 14, 2005
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The state of being ready to ball and/or get down. The balled up individual is typically dressed in his finest clothing for whichever activity hes getting ready for.
Look at his watch, tims, crisp jeans, button up, earrings. Hes focused. He's Balled up.

Nice Jordan's, Jerome. You look balled up.
by john duffy October 15, 2005
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get some balls as in some courage do what you have to do
You know you were wrong so just ball up and admit it
by 007 February 9, 2005
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1. To play basketball. 2. To chill. 3. An exclamation of joy.
1. Me and my friends are gonna' ball up, you wanna come. 2. Yo, let's ball up at his house. 3. After Daniel got a full house he exclamed, "Ball Up!".
by The Shogun June 3, 2005
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We were all balled up at his bachelor party after doing lines off the strippers ass that we got in a fight with the neighbor.
by RRichardson December 30, 2011
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