this is a stupid word intended to be used in awkward situations only to make the situation even more awkard, this word is used by people that aren't very comfortable with speaking the english language.
by N0547 March 16, 2011
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An abbreviation of the word awkward to describe a situation so awkward that simply describing it as "awkward" isn't enough. Hence, the usage of the most awkward word, "awk."
Joe: Oh, are your eyes closed in the picture too? We're matching!
Jim: ...I'm asian. awk.

Hawk: Oh, was that your pet I just attacked? Hawwwwkward.
by blahblahblo February 8, 2011
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(or, to give the awks.) An intense awkward feeling, usually caused by revealing something in conversation.
Lee: Told Maria I was dating her sister.
John: Didn't you ask Maria out last year?
Lee: Yeah, before she wanted me.
John: I bet that was weird.
Lee: Yeah, I totally gave her the awks. Both times.
John: Too bad you work together.
by Krastofer July 21, 2008
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abbreviation for awkward.

awk, used in some contexts as a verb, to describe someone's actions in an awkward situation.
"he would rather stay at the party and awk around. he doesn't even know anyone."
by kris March 30, 2005
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We are awking.
by SD 1228 December 15, 2010
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After they fought things became so awks between the two girls.
by ablaroxx December 7, 2010
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its an abbreviation of awkward. I first heard it one 102.1 the edge on Barry Taylor's show.
guy one: did you hear? Steff has an STD!?
guy 2: oh shit, and i was gonna fuck her silly too...
guy 3 walks up: Guys Guess what? I FUCKED STEF LAST NITE!
guys 1 and 2: awk....
by Andrea;) October 27, 2004
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