When one person, guy or girl, will do or say anything around a group of people, be it telling stories, or jokes, or talking about themselves. While talking about themselves it forces the spotlight on that guy or girl who will often say outlandish things to bring attention to his/herself. Often times, this person's cry for attention stems from insecurity. Meanwhile, others are annoyed and irritation.
Leland is always the attention whore at parties.
by Babydoll75 March 4, 2019
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An attention whore is many times a young woman in her early twenties who frequents the bars on a regular basis. This type of person will generally break up with his/her significant other for some mundane reason because of the need to flirt and sleep with random people. An attention whore is loud, dresses slutty, loves to lie, and will use her friends to gain more attention for herself.
Katie Anderson broke up with her boyfriend for the upteenth time and told all her girlfriends it was time for a girls night out. She then proceeded to talk very loudly in the circle of girls while making slut eyes at any man who would look her way making her the attention whore of the night.
by NTKM85 March 9, 2011
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A person who, regardless of whether or not they are attached, will seek out the attention of other males/females to make themself feel important. Usually found on internet forums and voice programs using whatever charms, bodily parts, etc. they may have to make themself appear more attractive to the opposite sex, even though it couldn't be farther from the truth. Some attention whores become agitated and intimidated when another member of the same sex garners more attention than themself and they become hostile and lash out. Will do almost anything to get the attention they seek including posing naked or half naked for pictures and posting them everywhere for all to see...and become increasingly sick to.
Flashgirl is such an attention whore. With what can only be described as delirious self misperception of her "beauty" and likeability, she is like an annoying little monkey hanging from everyone's nuts at once.
by B@by C@kes July 6, 2005
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The act of doing stupid shit most commonly associated with faking depression
Yo bro i think he needs help. Oh him? No he's just attention whoring.
by Anonpseudoname69 April 10, 2019
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A person who is constantly looking for attention that he/she can never get in real life. It's also possible that this person has a really crappy life and proceeds to hide it and pretend that he/she's above the people he makes fun of. It is the sole reason why this person constantly screams about his opinion on the internet, looking up videos a bout things he hate and then leaving links to his/her own crappy videos just to get views. This person will also go through great lengths to try and find people that agree with them in hopes of finally getting the sense of belonging somewhere.
An example of an online attention whore would be this guy : alexsavov2 or his alter ego : oldsaviboy

This person is the epitome of attention whores. He constantly goes to every Frozen related posts just to scream that he hates and then proceeds to leave links to his videos about him screaming how he hates Frozen. Sometimes you even see him on videos that have nothing to do with Frozen and then this guy brings it up out of nowhere and then proceeds to scream some more of how much he hates like we get it! Shut up about this damn movie it's been two years! Move on, you're acting no better than the immature Frozen fanboys/fangirls.
by Excorcist225 August 27, 2015
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The act of being an wordattention whore/word.
My latest livejournal update was just attention whoring!
by Anonymous June 15, 2003
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in addition:
females on message boards and chats usually visited by guys(gaming, skating, heavy metal) who make a big deal of being female. they will post pictures and links to pictures of themselves scantily clad so the guys will tell them how hot they are. and they will.
new topic: "hotsk8tergurly: hi guys! am i the only girl here???? :-?"
"no you're not."
"well, here are some pix of me at the beach! ^^ :D"
"Woooah, you're hot!"
"thx! you really think so? *blushesreallyhard*"
by icandoitbetter March 26, 2005
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