Donald Trump is a low-IQ individual who emits a constant stream of BS comments, infuriates every one with his pathological lying and narcissism, and blithely unaware that every sane person in the whole-wide-world hates him for this ... he is a total assclown!
by Eppypotamus June 2, 2019
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a person who is a total moron, or who makes an attempt to do something but ends up failing miserably & entertains everyone around them
When we were all drunk at camp, our friend Mike tried to jump over the tennis net, but ended up making a total assclown of himself.
by Kimberly Nicole July 23, 2008
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Someone who considers it his or her sworn to duty to act like a complete ass at all times.
Assclownery: the act of being an assclown.
Anybody from the show jackass is an assclown
by DennisIsEvil October 15, 2005
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A person (typically male) who refuses to engage in normal romantic relationships. They are sometimes referred to as "emotionally unavailable" and tend to lie, cheat and manipulate women until the woman is whipped into a state of complete confusion and suicidal tendencies. Often times the unsuspecting female is initially lured by very romantic, passionate, hot behavior only to be met with ice once she starts to expect some of the lies the assclown has dished out.
Marge is a wreck because her assclown stood her up again after promising to take her to Europe for Valentines day.
by Janneva February 17, 2011
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Someone who is an ass, but is disguised a person who is cute and funny. Their true spirit is less Ronald McDonald and more Stephen King's It.
Eric was a such charmer on the surface but he soon revealed himself to be a real assclown.
by authenticme November 15, 2012
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Any person who thinks the show Jackass should be taken seriously.
Did you hear about that assclown who barbecued himself on a grill while trying to create his own Jackass stunt?
by redelman43199 May 13, 2011
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