allahu NOT-akbar
allahu akbar? no! like extra holes poked through your head by peaceful shrapnel are akbar: NOT at all!! Children who refuse to be sexually victimized have explosives lashed to them to spread the islam around in the finest particles possible (acerbic apologetics assault) as quickly as possible (explosive ecumenism).
by allah not akbar² June 15, 2013
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A thoughtful Arabic expression used by Islamic terrorists to kindly let nearby citizens know that they are about to spontaneously explode.

It roughly translate to: "get the fuck out the way unless you wanna turn into soup"
Air Hostess: "Can I get you any refreshments?"


Air Hostess: "Well, fuck"
by u r luvd July 10, 2020
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A word you shouldn't yell at cars that pass you on the highway with their windows open
"Hey (friend), I almost got my head blown off by a 12 gauge shotgun after yelling allahu akbar at cars passing by"
by fortniteburgerexe April 1, 2022
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Where ISIS troops have their fair share of grace.
Abdullah: Hey, I'm headed to the Allahu Snackbar, wanna come?
Abode: But we're poor us fuck.
Abdullah: Riiiiiiiggggghhhhhhhttttttttt... :(
by HeatSeeking CuntMissile. October 30, 2017
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A popular style of skateboarding originating from the Mecca region of Saudi Arabia.
Bashir: Hasan, do you want to allahu akboard on Saturday after prayer?

Hasan: Of course. I need to practice my suicide flip.
by Smel_Mydik September 14, 2014
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When you headshot an islamic terrorist trying to suicide bomb, preventing him from killing anyone.
Wow, that terrorist would have caused some serious damage if it was not for that policeman who totally Allahu Akblocked him.
by backbar January 15, 2017
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