pronounced ah-gis. abbreviation for the phrase "all girls are sluts". this is the occurance that under certain conditions, whether it be valentine's day, christmas, new years, birthday or even if they're drunk, all girls have the potential to be sluts and will do provocative things they wouldn't normally do.
John: hey look at that girl chillin by the mistle toe. you think i got a shot?
Dan: ofcourse bro, look what time it is. Just remember AGAS
by studleeee June 24, 2008
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Aga aga's are sexy,hot blonde girls who are VERY good in bed most men fall for her easily. She is very picky about who she loves. But most aga aga's fall in love with khalid's
Aga aga just reached over and gave khalid a kiss
by Assasin1947 April 30, 2014
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A word to describe a feeling that cannot otherwise be expressed with another word.

A mix of frustration, confusion, shock or general annoyance.

Can also be used as a greeting.
Dani answers the telephone in the office. She is asked a question for which she can not answer - she replies 'aga'.

Sarah and Danny split up for no apparent reason - AGA

Emily arrives home from work at 6am, she is tired but is greeted with AGA!! She is then happy.
by leygan September 11, 2007
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AGA, or Acute Gravity Attack is the term used to describe what happens when someone falls down.
"Why is Tony on the ground?"
"He suffered from AGA."
by William Hagemann July 21, 2005
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acronym: Actually Give A Sit
the teacher gave out AGAS points to those who looked on the homework page
by dahmdahmdahmdahm November 15, 2011
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American Go Association

An organization of just over 2000 Go playing individuals centered in the United States, but including clubs in other countries as well.
The AGA is responsible for Organizing tournaments and other events while maintaining a national rating system.
by guided fox August 12, 2005
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A Bengali word meaning poo, you might say it to people who you hat e.g “you are so aga”.
by Ismael Ali May 20, 2019
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