1. Affirmative statement that does not necessarily give a specific answer to a question.
Q. Do you want Chipotle?
A. Yates.
by TKraemer April 17, 2008
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the word used to describe a female
"check out that yatee!"
by rasoool March 27, 2003
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Raped ; Destoryed ; Recked

Mostly a gaming term
Bro You got Yated on
by OhhDinoco August 21, 2018
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The TRUE past tense of yeet
(If the past tense of eat is ate, then the past tense of yeet is yate. You never ote food, you dickhead)
Lmao i didnt want my baby anymore, so I yate the child into the stratosphere
by NoobusMaximus June 9, 2019
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Yates is a last name which has been around for year with it originality from Italy. A Yates has a brilliant reputation for fighter and can not be defeated, most Yates’ are very wealthy and spent there money on clothes and jewellery
The Yates family have got a good reputation for fighting
by Mr mcgregor UFC January 10, 2019
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Bro # 1: Should I get a case of budweiser for later?
Bro # 2: Yates, Yates, Yates
by Sticky Swine May 25, 2007
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