Any man with an extremly large penis.
Look at that YOLT over there! I would love to ride that!
by Anonymous July 13, 2003
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Nobody could do that on a computer except Yolt.
by Karl August 15, 2003
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The man every guy strives to be. YOLT has a large cock, is 1337, and can "own" anyone. YOLT is the ultimate male.

YOLT is also the one who every woman wants to fuck.
YOLT ownz.
by Jade July 23, 2003
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A AOL idiot. Likes the word Nigger.S
person1: rofl
person2: queer
by anonymous April 18, 2005
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a guy with absolutely no penis, it shrinks inside his body, and he looks like he got his in the face with a stick of barbed wire about 100 times. huge queer. big fat jew.
by Anonymous August 11, 2003
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Any one of a series of persons with natural tendencies to engage in homosexual relations with multi-racial partners.
The YOLTs are assembling to protest their civil rights.
by joob July 15, 2003
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It is the pas-tense of yeet.

It can also be used as a sound of surprise.
Person 1: I just failed my math test

Person 2: Yolt, me too.

Person 1: I yolted across the gym so fast to see that thick ass.

Person 2: I’d yolt too.
by AestheticWhiteBitch April 29, 2019
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