The act of being raped (usually up the ass) by a friend or loved one, often in the handi-caped stall at a McDonalds restroom.
Billy never trusted James after he Wendled him at the local MiccyD's!
by Dr. Longwanger October 22, 2004
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a name.
also a thicc guy playing r6 on his ass all day

Look at Wendel, he is smart but he looks gay
damn wendel only plays video games all-day.
Wendel is thicc
by sledgemain69 April 14, 2020
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To shit like you never shat before!
He wendell'd the toilet.
Basically means he wrote it off.
by Khalidabukalusa August 27, 2014
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Ugly ass rugrats character that can hold your books on his head during your walk to civ class
Damn look at that wendell I know his neck hurts with all those books
by Ping_pong_Bebon October 8, 2018
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1. a jerk with a small penis and a belly with an orbit of its own.
2. a man who bathes in ketchup
3. an alchoholic
man that waiter is such a wendell
by hguygbhhg June 25, 2011
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A brotherman, who is down on his luck, that may need a dollar or two.
Guy 1: "Why does that brother over there look like he's wearing a potato sack?"

Guy 2: "Man, that Wendel probably just needs a buck."
by HoosierBoi April 18, 2011
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