1. A person who is a little too reverent of the technological and imperial might of Nazi Germany.

2. A person who knows a lot about obscure aspects of the Nazi military machine.
"Every time we play Call of Duty my little brother only wants to play as the Germans. I hope he's not turning into a Reichweeb Rahyk - veeb"
by All the good names are taken 1 February 23, 2021
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A veeb is a word coming from the formally known word "Weeb" Veeb is basically a weeb but a virgin, so Virgin Weeb.
Pretty much what firemonkey is.
Oh my god look at that fucking Veeb over there!, such a virgin lol.
by Abo diiz October 15, 2019
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a word that can either mean volleyball or volleyball player
hey, did you see the veebs game last night?
Yeah! The NDP Varsity veebs just swept the MDSA veebs 3-0
by a varsity veeb October 21, 2018
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