While sitting down, an individual reaches under their leg and masturbates.
I didn't have enough time to give myself the Stranger so I 'rassled up a quick Underhanded Bulgarian.
by Bob Mcalbe September 8, 2010
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When on a first date, a slightly unattractive women "under hands" or gropes for a mans junk under the table cloth.
Example: "Oh, yeah, girl! I totally underhanded him last night!"
by Faggotball January 2, 2014
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A crappy throw, toss, etc., where the person tossing the object misjudges the throw and completely misses the intended recipient, target, etc.
Lorenzo: "T-Bone, toss me a can of beer!"
T-Bone: "Here ya go!" (Throws beer 3 feet to the left of Lorenzo)
Lorenzo: "Dude, that was an Underhanded Mustard Russian if I've ever seen one!!!!! Now the beer is ruined!"
by Lorenzo Warshington July 22, 2010
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"I went into the bathroom stall and it looked like someone underhand sneezed all over the bowl!"
by JoePhatty May 24, 2009
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the act of violently fingerblasting from low to high
my fingers are sore from underhand bean jamming richs mom last night
by carozzi May 3, 2019
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Jerking off in a public restroom stall while doing a handstand. The ejaculation must take place in less than 15 seconds after the jerking commences, and to truly perform this dead the load must be caught in the mouth of the one jerking off.
Dude I passed this girl walking through the mall yesterday. I got so hard I had to go into sprint to the restroom and pull an underhanded fastball.
by loisting4life April 10, 2017
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