The actof a girl riding a guy but bouncing up and down on his cock. WARNING: If the cock slips out of place, prepare for pain.
That girl was unusually hyper last night and was doing a trampoline on me! Shit nigga!
by Tom Sroka October 27, 2007
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(v.) the act of holding a shirt over ones genitals whilst whipping one's hips and external genitalia in the direction of said shirt, thereby creating the effect in the shirt that is seen on the underside of a trampoline when teenagers jump on it
Jeph, in a celebratory action, pulled down his pants, held his Chrebet jersey taught over his genitalia, trampolining it in front of everyone watching the game.
by Poundtowner January 18, 2010
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A male sexual display;

The act of stretching one's scrotal skin out with two hands - using thumb and forefinger - parallel to a primary surface (i.e. a bed or floor) until smooth, with the penis resting on top, utilizing the grip and taut skin to move the scrotum up and down at various speeds to have the penis bounce off of it continuously.
tram·po·line Noun /ˈtrampəˌlēn/

tram·po·line Verb /ˈtrampəˌlēn/

trampolined (past tense); trampolined (past participle); trampolines (3rd person singular present); trampolining (present participle); "Trampoline Dick"; "Trampoline Cock"; "The Trampoline"; "The Bounce"

Usage Example:
"I ran out of tricks once I actually got her in bed, so I just showed her The Trampoline and bounced my way back into her heart and right between her legs."
by Brandan Darren December 17, 2010
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The act of forcing a man's penis into a woman's inner cheek lining. As the cheek reaches it's maximum extension it bounces back
Jean and Rick played trampoline in the car during their lunch hour.
by TickleMeNutsack November 10, 2010
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The part of your shirt that's stretched out between the gap in your boobs.
She threw a penny at my shirt, but it bounced off my trampoline.
by rejakalu November 23, 2007
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The process of fingering a girl when she still has her panties on. You would push on the outside of the panties, pushing them into the womens vagina. It is in-titled the Trampoline because the panties push back just like a trampoline would. Trampolining a girl is not consider a good thing, and you should make fun of a friend if that is all he/she has done, however it is better then getting nothing.
"Dude did you finger her last night?"
"Nah man! she would not let me but she did let me trampoline her..."
by 0110 March 13, 2010
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(n.) A term used to refer to an ass that a person would want to 'jump all over'.
Damn son, Beyonce's got a fine trampoline!
by Melissa J July 8, 2006
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