(n.) the sound of something flying by very quickly, deadlines for instance.

(v.) to pass by very rapidly.
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound as they fly by."
- Douglas Adams.

A snowball whooshed past my face, missing by an infinitesmal distance; I let out my battle cry that woke up the whole neighborhood.
by papermachete October 27, 2005
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a word that was made popular by being the name of a subreddit. it refers to people who don't realise something is a joke. also referred to as r/whoosh.
by ninjakirbz June 22, 2021
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Something you say to someone who didn't understand the sarcasm/joke.
As if it wen't right over their head or they saw right through it.
"That christmas sweater looks wonderful jerry.. Even in summer."
"Thank you!"
by justanamebro January 26, 2017
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Whoosh is the term to describe an enthusiastic swishing sound, often used when one is talking about something totally unbelievable that perhaps may have zoomed past unbelievably fast, both in a literal or figurative sense.
"So, like, there was this thing, and it was so fast, man, it was like WHOOSH and then bam! It was gone!"


"I dunno, man, I'm totally out of it today. I mean, today somebody was talking to me and everything they said just kept whooshing past me, y'know? Just like whoosh, and stuff."
by Steph May 26, 2004
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To move something or someone in a violent manner.
These tables are too damn close together, let’s whoosh them!
by A-ness January 1, 2018
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A spell typically used by a black Mage to shrink ones “special” member
Whoosh your shlong is now a short
by Bigbillshill April 9, 2019
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The quick removal of all clothing.
Let's whoosh before we jump into bed.
by coffeecup78 May 10, 2010
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