Thirsty Thursday has an alternate meaning of a day to "drink up" knowledge in preparation for a test. Since assessments are often given on Fridays rather than other days of the week, Thursdays have become a day when students gather to prepare for the task at hand.
You coming to Thirsty Thursday to prep for Final Friday? We're meeting at the coffee shop.
by MechaTree February 24, 2016
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Pioneered by business school students who don't have class on friday like everyone else. Thirsty Thursday's is the worship of the gods of alcohol intoxication with limited consequences. Most important at colleges with a high commuter to on campus population ratio.
The best parties on campus are on Thirsty Thursdays.
by AErrorist September 4, 2006
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The big party night at colleges. Who cares about class on friday?
'Nova student: Yo you ready for thirsty-thursday?
'Other Nova student: Yeah, fuck my calc exam on friday.
by 'Nova Nation October 3, 2008
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When you have to party on Thursday because the week is stressing you out enough already, or just because
Why didn't you go to class friday?

Thirsty Thursday
by NoahG December 20, 2003
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the day of the week when people, specifically college students go out to drink liquor
by GUNDY November 6, 2003
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The name of a sports bar located in East Stroudsburg.
Jenn: Hey, who's goin to Thirsty Thursdays tonight?

Tari: What's that?

Jenn: Oh wait, that doesn't exist.

Tari: You are so dumb. You are really dumb. Forreal.
by Anna neemus November 30, 2010
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These days it is a well-known fact that every Thursday is the day you go down to your local dive bar and it has been infested by loud college girls and juice-heads with pink shirts.
Man 1 "Todd, who are all these people?

Man 2 "Thirsty Thursdays man."
by Dueyutah May 28, 2007
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