Abbreviated form of "strippers," usually in the form "the rippers."
Possibly an Ontarian Anglo-Canadian slang term.
Let's check out the rippers this weekend.
by JoeyRocker March 24, 2006
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A generic name for a strip club. May be truncated form of "strippers".
Hey guys, let's go to the rippers tonight!
by RexGibson January 1, 2004
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Originating in the Yay-area.. The Term rippers is a girl who sucks and get her vaginal walls ripped by any dude.. And in most cases she wears her beauty supply slippers(ripper slippers) and they run in packs.

also known as:Rip,Rip-nut,
Baby girl and her big sis a ripper blood... Me and the twins ran both of em
by Lil Ether(D.E.O.,CA)9900 November 12, 2004
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A nasty female that lets anything wit a penis run up in her. Originally called a "runner" now also called a ripper. This word originated in Oakland, CA, USA and has now spread throughout the Bay Area.
She's a runner and a ripper......U guy's know the rest.
by The Sensei March 4, 2005
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uh straight runner; a female who be runnin through all the niggas around.
" eh check that broad out"
" Naw blood don't fuck wit that. she a fuckin ripper"
by LiL Mike November 26, 2003
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Prison slang for a child molester. see also Skinner
The new inmate is a fuckin ripper, lets give him a blanket party tonight.
by Otsego69 May 11, 2008
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