Sad specimen of humanity who thinks that the ability to keep several objects in the air at once is entertaining.
When her parents hired a juggler for her birthday party, Susie realised that Mummy and Daddy didn't love her anymore.
by Boujze October 19, 2007
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Also known as Static, who is the best juggler to ever exist on a planet known as Earth.
Once I saw Static juggling and he was sooooooooooo good that I crapped my pants.
by a dude named Static January 15, 2005
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1. A sometimes derogatory term used to describe a promiscuous man.

2. A man in a polygamous relationship (with multiple wives).
Person 1: "Man, Jeff slept with Stacy last week and then slept with Karen the next night!"

Person 2: "Wow, what a Taco Juggler"
by TacoJuggler September 25, 2014
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A girl that travels from dick to dick and male to male.
Wow, she's such a cock-juggler, dude. We fucked last week, now she's stuck on Jimmy.
by NotebookLives April 1, 2011
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That moment you have in a bathroom when you take a shit but since people enter in and out of the bathroom, you need to drop it at just the right moment in between their visits.
Stephen: Dude Alex is such a good Crap Juggler! He is able to shit when like 7 people entered the bathroom within 5 minutes!
by Canadiankid415 January 25, 2013
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Crusty Jugglers are members of the traveling community in Ireland and the UK, often known as gypsies, pikeys, tinkers and itinerants.
"Some Crusty Jugglers came to my house trying to sell me pillows today."
by The Crusty Juggler April 17, 2010
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1. Some one, (man or woman) who utilizes their tounge to "juggle" the nuts of the scrodom sack. Some one Who is good at it should be able to get a good rotation of the nuts for maximum stimulus.
"Damn girl you're a good ball juggler!"
by NickName4U May 20, 2006
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