Someone who has a particularly smelly anus usually do to excessive sweating or long breaks between bathing.
Hold your breath around that guy. He’s a thane.
by I’m_a_person September 13, 2019
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A type of small green berry that grows in damp muddy soil and smells like hot dogs.
"Hey, do I smell hot dogs?"
"Nope, that's my fresh Thane Pie!"
by William Ticonderoga Booze December 9, 2003
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Tall lanky hunched over individual
Tom was sooooo tall that he tripped over a building and his Thane head on the moon
by comma December 5, 2003
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Thane is used instead of then or than. Then and than are just ridiculous words and should be combined as "thane" to create less confusion.
I am going to stay here other thane going out.
Are you staying home thane?
by Ginous Brian August 24, 2010
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The crane from kong fu panda who fucked his mother and married his sister
Did you see Thane being a badass, he's Thane he's a crane and insane.
by DarthSideus October 29, 2018
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Someone who has a significantly

cuboid shaped skull, they are huge nerds who worship boxing and jack off to the sport.
Person 1: You see that Square Thane with his wack ass Rick and Morty shirt?
Person 2: Oh fuck, here he comes to correct u-
Square Thane: Uhm Actually it's Richard and Mortimer you uncultured profligates
by Jacqueesc58 January 4, 2020
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