To block out a driver in the slow lane trying to enter the fast lane. If you are driving car A, you are in the fast lane of a two lane Highway and you are the one who will conduct the maneuver and tactically knock out Car B-the car that you don't like. Car B is in the slowlane and is approaching a car ahead -Car C-that is going slower than Car B. To TKO Car B, the Driver of Car A in the fastlane, must slow down to the approximate speed of Car C and align Car A such that the driver in Car B is blocked from entering the fast lane and cannot pass either Car A or Car C. A little confusing but this highway diagram might help...
____________(Car A)
____________(Car B)_(Car C)
Driver "Should I TKO this Cherokee?"
Passenger "Please do"
Driver "Right on"
Cherokee Driver "What the F***!"
by steereson September 4, 2006
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Lloyd: hey mum ur bum looks HUGE in that dress

Mum: LLOYD!!!

Lloyd: TKO.
by Lloyd Banks25 January 8, 2009
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TKO Is the best clan. They can hit really naughty Shots
by Ali a Ninja 69 November 26, 2018
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A Clan started on Gamefaqs. Members are Dizee(wwk),PenguinsKID1986(Jabboon),RamirezBOS. They took charge and dominated the board. At one time there was 14 out of 20 messages about them. They made every ANTI-TKO hater look like little losers. ANTI-TKO got there asses kicked and TKO members made the REAL! Resident Evil HAll of Fame.
TKO member: We came, we saw, We dominated!

ANTI-TKO member: have same account me is wetard.

TKO follower: STFU TKO owns you all!!
by PenguinsKID August 11, 2004
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Noun. Slang term for a man who is considered a ‘knockout artistin the bedroom.
It has become a term of endearment as well as a term men will use to refer to themselves.
Call me “TKO”... as I am known for being a knockout artist between the sheets.
by Matty2x4 August 2, 2020
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The Philly TKO is a bong hit of epic proportions taken from an Illadelph bong. Originated in the illustrious city of Philadelphia.
"Yo, Diesel, you trying to take a Philly TKO?"
"Hell yeah, just pass that Illadelph my way."
by Charlessss February 21, 2009
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