Technical Knock Out- A boxing term describing a situation where one boxer is judged the winner after knocking the other down three times.
Chavez won on a TKO in the second round.
by spenser October 25, 2003
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1. In boxing terms, TKO means "Techinical Knock Out". A technical knock out is when a person is struck down three times.
2. But, in terms of a person's love life, a TKO means that you've been turned down three times. Sad, but true.
1. Wow that guy was totally TKO'ed.

2. You struck out three times, man! That's another love TKO for you.
by sflagurl25 May 9, 2005
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"the knock out crew" or total "kaos"... crew of writers in los angeles.
by poopoocaca July 2, 2003
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Turbo, Kelly, and Ozone. From the 1984 film "Brakin'" also released as "Breakdance" in europe!
None. But worth remembering if you wanna claim to be old skool.
by scribbeh October 17, 2003
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A clan of three 8 year olds with no lives. They post lies on GameFAQssaying they team killed people on Resident Evil: Outbreak. They try to make themselves feel good by creating multiple fake accounts on GameFAQs and flooding the REO message boards saying they are someone else and that they got pwned by TKO.
FakeAccount: I got pwned by TKO.
GameFAQsUser: STFU, you are TKO. Stop flooding these boards with this crap.
FakeAccount: But I have nothing else better to do because I suck. :(
by CAPCOM July 17, 2004
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The act of getting knocked the fuck out. (Total Knock Out)
Stfu before I tko your ass.
by jchc May 30, 2005
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To block out a driver in the slow lane trying to enter the fast lane. If you are driving car A, you are in the fast lane of a two lane Highway and you are the one who will conduct the maneuver and tactically knock out Car B-the car that you don't like. Car B is in the slowlane and is approaching a car ahead -Car C-that is going slower than Car B. To TKO Car B, the Driver of Car A in the fastlane, must slow down to the approximate speed of Car C and align Car A such that the driver in Car B is blocked from entering the fast lane and cannot pass either Car A or Car C. A little confusing but this highway diagram might help...
____________(Car A)
____________(Car B)_(Car C)
Driver "Should I TKO this Cherokee?"
Passenger "Please do"
Driver "Right on"
Cherokee Driver "What the F***!"
by steereson September 4, 2006
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