To have forecful anal intercourse with a female.
I totally stooked that slum last night.
by SPEnis April 23, 2005
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An Alcoholic drink of Zimbabwean origin consisting of Vodka, Soda water and a splash of coke. Served with a slice of lemon and ice and always in a large glass.
Hi barman could i have a stooks special.
by squirrell1234 October 15, 2013
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When two people simultaneously masturbate while unknowingly thinking of each other.
"I totally spanked it while thinking about you last night."
"Oh my god, what time was that?"
"Weird, we were totally Stooking each other, cuz I was thinking of you while I rubbed one out!
by ThaDuke September 18, 2012
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to stab someone with a sharp object. Can also mean to catch someone off guard.
I stook that nigga in the back last night.
Dan got me good last night he stook me while I wasn't watching.
by Kris187 June 11, 2007
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Short for "so i took" often used on Twitter when running out of charactor space since they only give you 140 charactors. Can also be used by morons that cant spell after sleeping in school. See:Matthew
1.I Had My Dad's truck in the morning, and, i stook it to school.

2.She started screaming really loud, so i stook it out of her.
by STEVENS0N November 20, 2009
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